
To promote transparency, we want to share high-level details of our roadmap, allowing others to see our priorities and plan accordingly. Our plans will evolve based on customer feedback and new market opportunities. We prioritize work through quarterly surveys and feedback from client issues. This list is neither exhaustive nor a guarantee that we will complete all these tasks. We welcome your feedback on what you think we should focus on, so please get in touch.


Maximize campaign effectiveness and sales performance with our integrated solution. Seamlessly align your marketing campaigns with sales initiatives for optimal results. Drive revenue growth and enhance customer engagement through synchronized campaign and sales strategies.

Loyalty Program

The integrated loyalty program empowers teams to incentivize activities performed within the platform, providing a motivational boost to sales efforts.

Voice Notes

Effortlessly capture notes with voice input, enhancing productivity and convenience. Streamline your workflow by dictating notes directly into the system. Say goodbye to manual typing and embrace efficient note-taking with voice input.

OCR for quick Prospects entry

Utilize OCR technology for swift and accurate prospects entry. Expedite data input and streamline your prospecting process effortlessly. Empower your team with OCR for rapid and efficient prospect entry.

Marketing Automation

The platform provides the ability to conduct personalized communication with healthcare professionals by seamlessly integrating a robust marketing automation system. This facilitates various aspects such as medical education, visit communication, sample and trial distribution, and feedback channels.

Expense Module

An expense approval system that adapts to your business needs, offering automatic, semi-automatic, and manual entry options. This ensures MRs stay updated on pricing and approval statuses. Admins can establish fares according to distance and out-station levels, with flexibility for MRs to manually input expenses when needed. Alongside automated expenses, MRs can submit miscellaneous expenses for reimbursement claims.

Rx Tracker

Rx Tracker empowers you to monitor prescriptions with precision and ease. Stay on top of brand trends. Streamline your tracking process and enhance brand care with Rx Tracker's intuitive features. Gain valuable insights and optimize your healthcare management strategy with Rx Tracker.